Benji Pays feature requests

Feature requests for

  1. Late fee automation

    Create a mechanism to generate late fees, automatically added to the accounting system. Following requirements: Do not alter existing invoices to avoid altering past financial periods - Likely generate a new "late fee" invoice Configurable rules to include / exclude clients, ignore certain invoices etc. Percentage based, with different percentages for different time periods Continue to generate late fee invoices until original invoice is paid

    Adam Crandall
    #New Feature πŸ†•


  2. Vanity / custom URL for Customer Portal

    Allow a vanity / custom URL (eg. to be used for the customer portal. This requires updates to authentication and other security controls in the customer portal application to ensure security is maintained and avoid the potential for phishing etc.

    Adam Crandall
    #Integrations πŸ”—#Customer Portal πŸšͺ


  3. Customer portal (Impersonate as user)

    I would like to be able to open the customer portal as a client (impersonate) however, limited to view only. This would be helpful in walking our clients through how to navigate the system. see what they see and be aware of any changes visually or functionally that need to be made.

    #New Feature πŸ†•#Customer Portal πŸšͺ


  4. For Bambora ACH / EFT - create the settlement deposit transaction in the accounting system

    Once the bambora batch has settled, create the final deposit transaction in the accounting system to aid with reconciliation.

    Baruch B
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Integrations πŸ”—#Auto Processing


  5. Add ability to enforce MFA for all users

    Although user can enable MFA, there is no option for a company Admin to enforce MFA on all users, this should be added.

    Adam Crandall
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Security πŸ”


  6. Quoter Integration

    Integration with Step 1 allow integrated payments for accepted quotes Deeper integrations down the line to potentially surface Benji Pays data in Quoter, and Quoter data in Benji Pays, including the Customer portal? Anything else?

    Adam Crandall
    #New Feature πŸ†•#Integrations πŸ”—#Customer Portal πŸšͺ


  7. Create pay button in Halo when invoice is generated

    When an invoice is created in Halo, update the required properties of that invoice in Halo to add the payment URL so that the payment button appears in the customer portal. The payment button would go to an invoice payment page for that individual invoice.

    Mendy G
    #Improvement πŸ‘#New Feature πŸ†•#Integrations πŸ”—


  8. Setting to not surcharge customers if invoice total is above / below a certain amount.

    Add a setting when surcharging is enabled to not add a surcharge, or only add a surcharge is invoice total is above or below a certain amount that is set by the marchant partner.

    Adam Crandall
    #New Feature πŸ†•#Customer Portal πŸšͺ#Auto Processing


  9. Bambora Credit Card Settlement Automation (Canada)

    Add import and automation of Credit Card Settlement deposit reconciliation for Canadian Bambora Merchants.

    Adam Crandall
    #Improvement πŸ‘#New Feature πŸ†•#Integrations πŸ”—


  10. Allow merchants to set the default payment type when sending bank and credit card links for Pay Now Email

    When sending an invoice to a customer, there's an option under "Choose Gateway for Pay Now Link in Email" that gives customers both payment options (credit card and ach). However, the link defaults to credit card. I'd like to set ach as the default.

    Baruch B


  11. Sync customer email addresses from Autotask to Benji Pays

    Sync customer email addresses from Autotask to Benji Pays

    Adam Crandall
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Integrations πŸ”—


  12. Using Refund Receipt in QB for performing returns integrated and non - integrated refund

    Ubaid K
    #New Feature πŸ†•


  13. Intergration with Gorelo

    I would like to see an integration with Gorelo so we can use our PDF invoices directly from them instead of QuickBooks.

    Kevin D
    #Integrations πŸ”—


  14. Display whether customer has opened the invoice sent from Benji Pays

    This is a feature on QBO that is really nice, where we can see if the customer has opened, and viewed the invoice.

    Alex von h


  15. Automatically email customers for updated card when old one expires or is declined permanently

    Right now it is a manual process to chase customers down when their automatic recurring payment method expires or is declined permanently. This should be a relatively simple process to automate - customers can be notified via email that their payment method needs to be updated.

    Bill A
