Benji Pays feature requests

Feature requests for

  1. Late fee automation

    Create a mechanism to generate late fees, automatically added to the accounting system. Following requirements: Do not alter existing invoices to avoid altering past financial periods - Likely generate a new "late fee" invoice Configurable rules to include / exclude clients, ignore certain invoices etc. Percentage based, with different percentages for different time periods Continue to generate late fee invoices until original invoice is paid

    Adam Crandall
    #New Feature 🆕


  2. Turn off ability to pay partial payments in the Customer Portal

    To be able to turn off partial payments in the customer portal so customers are forced to pay the full amount on their invoice.

    Amber MacMullin
    #New Feature 🆕#Customer Portal 🚪


  3. Option to send Declined or Transaction Failed emails to clients

    Currently customers do not get a notification when an auto-pay transaction is declined. We should have the ability to have the system send a "Transaction Failed" email to the customer.

    Timothy M
    #Improvement 👍#Auto Processing#Invoice Rover


  4. Automatically email customers for updated card when old one expires or is declined permanently

    Right now it is a manual process to chase customers down when their automatic recurring payment method expires or is declined permanently. This should be a relatively simple process to automate - customers can be notified via email that their payment method needs to be updated.

    Bill A


  5. Rover only reminders?

    When I save a new invoice in QB, Rover defaults to sending an email as a reminder and not an initial invoice email. Please allow initial invoice emails through Rover.

    Adam A
    #Bug 🐛


  6. Payment page customization lacking

    The actual payment page leaves room for only a couple links?! We need to be able to adjust ALL the wording on this page. For example, we might like to add contact info, other payment methods, etc... all kinds of things. This is really important to us. Thanks!

    Adam A
    #Customer Portal 🚪#Bug 🐛#Misc 🤷


  7. Data fields in emails

    Please allow users to add ANY data to ANY email. Please do not allow only some data fields in some emails and some in others.

    Adam A
    #Misc 🤷


  8. Persistent display preferences

    When we select 'Show all ...' please make it stick so I don't have to reset that every time I login. Thanks!

    Adam A
    #Bug 🐛


  9. Email templates too hard to find

    Show all email templates in one handy list. It's nice to have various segments, but for those of us with only a couple templates it's a hassle to shuffle through 3 menus to get to one.

    Adam A
    #Misc 🤷


  10. Invoice Rover Enable Rules label

    Please change 'Enable Reminders' to 'Enable Rules'. I thought the toggle applied only to reminders.

    Adam A


  11. Set auto processing skip rules at client level

    Would like to set memo field auto-pay skip for each client individually. Some clients are ok with auto-pay on all invoices, but many of our clients do not want to auto-pay because we are not able to define what will auto-pay and what will not. If we set the memo field globally, it is an all or nothing approach.

    Donald P
    #Improvement 👍#Auto Processing


  12. Vanity URL for Customer Portal

    Allow a vanity URL to be used for the customer portal. This requires updates to authentication and other security controls in the customer portal application to ensure security is maintained and avoid the potential for phishing etc.

    Adam Crandall
    #Customer Portal 🚪#Integrations 🔗


  13. 📨 Automated email reminders for overdue and upcoming invoices as well as new invoice emails

    Have a way to have emails sent automatically based on settings in Benji Pays for the following: New invoice created Invoice overdue x days (multiple settings for this, e.g. 10 days, 30 days, 45 etc) Invoice coming due / auto payment reminder in x days (multiple settings for this)

    Adam Crandall
    #Improvement 👍#New Feature 🆕


  14. Display past due invoices in the dashboard

    Show invoice statistics visually in the dashboard. Particularly past due invoice counts and total amount, for example.

    Donald P
    #Improvement 👍#New Feature 🆕


  15. Statements of Account from BenjiPays

    Ability to email out of benji pays a statement of account to a customer.

    Austin R
