Add Dark Mode
Please add Dark Mode to save my eyes
Kahle P#Improvement 👍#New Feature 🆕#Styling 🎨8
Customer portal (Impersonate as user)
I would like to be able to open the customer portal as a client (impersonate) however, limited to view only. This would be helpful in walking our clients through how to navigate the system. see what they see and be aware of any changes visually or functionally that need to be made.
Rami#New Feature 🆕#Customer Portal 🚪2
Allow customers to connect their bank accounts by authenticating with their online banking
User a service like or to allow users to connect their banking details by loging into their online banking in addition to allowing them to enter their banking information manually. This can improve Approval rates and reduce the risk of account infomation being entered incorrectly. There may be a nominal cost to this.
Adam Crandall#Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗5
Allow ability to manually change "Emailed" status of an invoice
It would be helpful to have the ability to change the "Emailed" status of invoices both individually and in bulk. We recently started using Benji Pays, and I want to set the emailed status of all previous invoices to "sent" to ensure consistency. This feature would also help me identify customers with missing email addresses. Additionally, it would allow us to resend invoices through Invoice Rover by updating the status if/when wanted.
Eric F#Improvement 👍#Invoice Rover#Misc 🤷0
Late fee automation
Create a mechanism to generate late fees, automatically added to the accounting system. Following requirements: Do not alter existing invoices to avoid altering past financial periods - Likely generate a new "late fee" invoice Configurable rules to include / exclude clients, ignore certain invoices etc. Percentage based, with different percentages for different time periods Continue to generate late fee invoices until original invoice is paid
Adam Crandall#New Feature 🆕9
Vanity / custom URL for Customer Portal
Allow a vanity / custom URL (eg. to be used for the customer portal. This requires updates to authentication and other security controls in the customer portal application to ensure security is maintained and avoid the potential for phishing etc.
Adam Crandall#Integrations 🔗#Customer Portal 🚪11
Option to send Declined or Transaction Failed emails to clients
Currently customers do not get a notification when an auto-pay transaction is declined. We should have the ability to have the system send a "Transaction Failed" email to the customer.
Timothy M#Improvement 👍#Auto Processing#Invoice Rover5
For Bambora ACH / EFT - create the settlement deposit transaction in the accounting system
Once the bambora batch has settled, create the final deposit transaction in the accounting system to aid with reconciliation.
Baruch B#Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗#Auto Processing2
Ability to add a "friendly name" for a payment profile
For example when adding a credit card for a customer and they want that payment method used for hardware only, we could label it "hardware only"
Rivka C#Improvement 👍#Customer Portal 🚪1
Update address in accounting system when customer updates their address on customer portal
Currently we send a notification to the merchant, however, for our cloud accounting systems we could have this auto update the accounting system with the new information.
Adam Crandall#Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗#Customer Portal 🚪4
Set credit card surcharge per customer or per card type
It would be great to have the ability to set diffrent surcharge amount per customer or per card type. For example Amex card charge different surcharge then others As of now there is only one set amount across the board. Having the flexibility to change it either per customer or per card type etc would be very beneficial
Joel S#Improvement 👍#New Feature 🆕#Auto Processing4
Bambora Credit Card Settlement Automation (Canada)
Add import and automation of Credit Card Settlement deposit reconciliation for Canadian Bambora Merchants.
Adam Crandall#Improvement 👍#New Feature 🆕#Integrations 🔗0
Allow submission options for non-credit card payments..
Allow non Credit Card Payment Types matching QuickBooks requirements to handle settling invoices that were sent through Benji Pays but the customer sent an eft or cheque. This makes Benji a one stop shop for my team.
Cody G0
Ability to send deposit without a card on file.
My organization would see a lot of value from being able to generate a deposit that sends to our customers via payable invoice, even if we don't have their card on file.
Cody G0
Ability to Add notes, comments and status to a customer in Benji Pays
Sometimes you make a change, like disabling a payment profile or the customer for auto processing and you need to communicate to your team as to why. It would be great if you could add notes on a customer to say something like "I disabled this profile as there is an issue with the invoice, will re-enable once fixed". Would also be great to be able to set a status or tag a customer in a way that showed up at the top of the customer screen prominently, something like "Do not process ever enable auto pay", or "Make sure Mike sends email approval prior to processing.".
Adam Crandall#Improvement 👍#New Feature 🆕0