
New updates and improvements to Benji Pays

All Announcements

Release notes September 16, 2024


Add support for hosted ConnectWise

Add ability to use hosted ConnectWise api url.

James T. M
Shipped 🚀



Limit notification email to only send when something processed.

Limits unnecessary emails. Prevent the important information from being missed.

Alp I
Shipped 🚀



Add recaptcha to payment pages and payment info pages

To increase security and reduce the chances of card testing we will add recaptcha to all payment pages that do not required a login. Default will be Googles invisible captcha that analyzes behaviour and requires user's input if it deems the session is riskyAn option to enhance recaptcha coverage will be available to all of our merchants to add the "I'm not a robot" checkbox recaptcha instead of the default invisible recaptcha.

Adam Crandall
Beta testing




  • Add summary details to Auto Pay email notifications



  • Improve error handling for network errors within Bambora Client
  • Fix issue with terms sync in QuickBooks webhook
  • Show correct invoice total in billing history
  • Add additional entries for content security policy on customer portal
  • Enable beta new payment modal for new customers by default
  • Fix bug with clover refunds where clover managed surcharging is enabled - clover api response had changed shape.
  • Fix cache key bug
  • Fix issue with Invoice rover email templates if certain tokens were not present in the template
  • Various security patches from third party components

