
New updates and improvements to Benji Pays

Latests release notes - May 6th, 2024

Release Notes
New Feature


We've added a new integration to ConnectWise Manage. ConnectWise users can now have the ConnectWise invoice PDF sent instead of their accounting system's invoice. This requires that the invoice numbers in ConnectWise match what is in your accounting system.


Surface Invoice PDF from ConnectWise Manage

This feature exists for Halo PSA and Autotask already. If on, Benji Pays attempts to retrieve the invoice PDF from the PSA, optionally falling aback to the accounting systems PDF if we are unable to find the invoice in the PSA.

Adam Crandall
Shipped 🚀



Allow the merchant to select the gateway to send the invoice email when using Batch Action Sending Invoices

This would be easier for merchants to bulk send invoices and allow the merchant to override the current default gateway setting. Irene- Oxford

Amber M
Shipped 🚀



  • Ability to use different Gateway links for each invoice when batch emailing invoices
  • QuickBooks Desktop and Xero Invoice Rover for Beta Testing
  • Auto select default gateway options when sending payment info requests and invoices



  • Xero performance improvements relating to their API limits
  • Improve logo rendering in emails (Outlook) and on pay now pages.
  • Fix bug with gateway selection in payment info requests

