
New updates and improvements to Benji Pays

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Invoice Rover Released to all QuickBooks Online Users


Our newest feature, Invoice Rover is now available for all QuickBooks online users in a free preview for 2024. Xero and QuickBooks Desktop users may contact support to request access to the ongoing Beta Test.


Invoice Rover offers automated invoice notifications, dunning reminders and account summary's, all fully integrated with your Auto Pay rules and your customer portal.


Find out more about how to setup invoice rover here.


📨 Automated email reminders for overdue and upcoming invoices as well as new invoice emails

Have a way to have emails sent automatically based on settings in Benji Pays for the following: New invoice created Invoice overdue x days (multiple settings for this, e.g. 10 days, 30 days, 45 etc) Invoice coming due / auto payment reminder in x days (multiple settings for this)

Adam Crandall
Shipped 🚀



Statements of Account from BenjiPays

Ability to email out of benji pays a statement of account to a customer.

Austin R
Shipped 🚀





Turn off ability to pay partial payments in the Customer Portal

To be able to turn off partial payments in the customer portal so customers are forced to pay the full amount on their invoice.

Amber M
Shipped 🚀




  • Fixed issue with custom SMTP using ports 465 and 587
